Adhesive Bonding

Vaupell provides structural & non-structural adhesive bonding of metal to metal, composite to composite and hybrid components utilizing advanced thermoset film, paste & sealant adhesives. Vaupell also fabricates, flat or contoured sandwich panel constructions, with core potting & installation of inserts into honeycomb structures, along with hardware mounting to other aerostructure components are just a few examples of our bonding applications. Our panels are then trimmed & drilled utilizing our 5 axis CNC composite router with a 5 FT X 10 FT bed capacity. Vaupell is approved for many special bonding processes by several top aerospace prime contractors.



  • Autoclave, Press, Oven (Vacuum) & Mechanical Bonding process capabilities
  • Adhesive bonding (secondary) of hardware and other components to primary structures
    • Metal to Metal, Composite to Composite, and Hybrids (Metal to Composite)
  • Sandwich Panel Fabrication (Honeycomb & Foam cores)
  • Approved processes for NADCAP & major aerospace prime contractors
  • Finishing operations